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Modern C++ Basics - ContainersBlur image
  • Two special integral type aliases defined in <cstddef>:
    • std::size_t
      • It’s unsigned, and the signed version ssize_t is not standard.
      • Use z as literal suffix for signed std::size_t, and zu as literal suffix for std::size_t.
    • std::ptrdiff_t
      • The return type of subtracting two pointers.
      • It’s signed.
      • It is needed because on some old platforms, you need segments to represent the array, and pointer can only operate address in a segment.



  • There are 6 kinds of iterators:

    • Output iterator: write-only access, *it = val, it++, it1 = it2
    • Input iterator: read-only access, *it, it++, it1 = it2
    • Forward iterator: same as input iterator, ==, !=, default construct
      • e.g. single linked list
    • Bidirectional iterator: same as forward iterator, it--
      • e.g. double linked list, map
    • Random access iterator: same as bidirectional iterator, +, -, +=, -=, []
      • e.g. deque
    • Contiguous iterator: same as random access iterator, memory occupied by iterators is contiguous
      • e.g. vector, string
  • Iterators are as unsafe as pointers!

    • They can be invalid, e.g. exceed bound.
    • Even if they’re from different containers, they may be mixed up!
    • Some may be checked by high iterator debug level.


  • All containers can get their iterators by:

    • .begin(), .end()
    • .cbegin(), .cend(): read-only access.
    • Except for forward-iterator containers (e.g. single linked list):
    • .rbegin(), .rend(), .crbegin(), .crend(): reversed iterator, i.e. iterate backwards.
  • You can also use global functions to get iterators.

    • e.g. std::begin(vec), std::end(vec).
    • You can also apply them to arrays (not pointer type) since pointers inherently act as iterators.
  • The <iterator> header provides generic functions for iterator manipulation:

    • std::advance(it, n): Implements it += n for non-random-access iterators (accepts negative n)
    • std::next(it, n = 1): Returns copy of it advanced by n positions
    • std::prev(it, n = 1): Returns copy of it reversed by n positions
    • std::distance(it1, it2): Returns count between iterators (O(1)O(1) for random-access, O(n)O(n) otherwise)
  • They have ranges-version, e.g. std::ranges::begin

  • Iterators provide some types to show their information.

    • std::iter_value_t<IteratorType>
    • std::iter_reference_t<IteratorType>
    • std::iter_const_reference_t<IteratorType>
    • std::iter_difference_t<IteratorType>
    • std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::pointer

Iterator adaptor#

  • One category of iterator adaptors wraps existing iterators to provide specialized functionality.
    • e.g. std::reverse_iterator r { p.begin() }
    • You can get the underlying iterator by .base().
    • You can also use functions like std::make_reverse_iterator() to create it.
template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE>
class Stack {
    T arr[SIZE];
    std::size_t pos = 0;

    T pop() {
        return arr[--pos];

    Stack& push(const T& t) {
        arr[pos++] = t;
        return *this;

    auto begin() {
        return std::reverse_iterator(arr + pos);
    auto end() {
        return std::reverse_iterator(arr);

int main() {
    Stack<int, 8> s;
    for (int val: s)
        std::print("{} ", val);
int main()
    std::vector<int> v { 0, 1, 2 };

    auto vcrb1 { v.crbegin() };
    std::reverse_iterator vcrb2 { v.cbegin() };
    const auto b = std::is_same_v<decltype(vcrb1), decltype(vcrb2)>; // true

    for (auto it = v.crbegin(); it != v.crend(); it++) {
        auto itb = it.base(); // reverse_iterator
        auto itbb = it.base().base(); // int*
        std::println("*it: {}, *itb(): {}, *itbb: {}", *it, *itb, *itbb);

    return 0;
  • Do not access .end() with *, only use as position specifier.

using std::operator""s;
void print(auto const remark, auto const& v)
    const auto size = std::ssize(v);
    std::cout << remark << '[' << size << "] { ";
    for (auto it = std::counted_iterator{std::cbegin(v), size};
         it != std::default_sentinel; ++it)
        std::cout << *it << (it.count() > 1 ? ", " : " ");
    std::cout << "}\n";
int main()
    const auto src = {"Arcturus"s, "Betelgeuse"s, "Canopus"s, "Deneb"s, "Elnath"s};
    print("src", src);
    std::vector<decltype(src)::value_type> dst;
    std::ranges::copy(std::counted_iterator{src.begin(), 3},
    print("dst", dst);
  • Another is created from containers to work more than “iterate”.
    • std::back_insert_iterator{container}: *it = val will call push_back(val) to insert.
    • std::front_insert_iterator{container}: call push_front(val) to insert.
    • std::insert_iterator{container, pos}: call insert(pos, val) to insert, where pos should be an iterator in the container.
    • You can also use functions like std::back_insert() to create them.

Stream iterator#

int main()
    std::istringstream str("0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4");
                     std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
    std::istringstream str2("1 3 5 7 8 9 10");
    auto it = std::find_if(std::istream_iterator<int>(str2),
                           [](int i){ return i % 2 == 0; });
    if (it != std::istream_iterator<int>())
        std::cout << "\nThe first even number is " << *it << ".\n";
    //" 9 10" left in the stream
std::vector<int> vec;
    std::istream_iterator<int> { std::cin },
    std::istream_iterator<int> {},
    std::back_insert_iterator { vec }
    std::ostream_iterator<int> { std::cout, "\n" }

Iterator invalidation#

  • The iterator is designed as a wrapper of the pointer to the element.
  • An iterator may be unsafe because it may not correctly represent the state of the object it is iterating.
    • Reallocation, the original pointer is dangling;
    • On insertion & removal, so the original pointer points to an element that it may not intend to refer.
  • They are thread-unsafe.

Sequential containers#


  • std::array<T, size>

    • Same as T[size].
    • Always preserves size (will not decay).
    • Can copy from another array.
    • Do more things like bound check.
    • Allocated on stack.
  • Ctor

    • May need adding an additional pair of paratheses.
struct S {
    int i;
    int j;
std::array<S, 2> arr {{ { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }};
  • Element access

    • operator[] vs .at(): index-based element access.
      • .at() performs bounds checking (throws std::out_of_range).
    • .front()/.back(): access first/last element of array.
    • Contiguous iterators.
    • .data(): returns pointer to underlying array storage.
    • Zero-sized arrays: std::array<T,0> is allowed but element access operations cause UB.
  • Some additional methods

    • .swap(): same as std::swap(arr1, arr2).
    • .fill(val): fill all elements as val.
    • std::to_array(c_style_array): get a std::array from a C-style array.
    • .size(): get size (return std::size_t).
    • .empty(): get a bool denoting whether size == 0.


  • std::vector<T> is dynamic array which can be resized.
    • Supports random access
    • Occupies contiguous space.
    • It has members as: pointer to content, size and capacity (three pointers in implementation).
    • When inserting and removing elements at the end the complexity is amortized O(1)O(1); If not at end, it’ll be O(n)O(n).

Reallocation strategy#

  • Despite other compilers reducing the growth factor to 1.5, gcc has staunchly maintained its factor of 2. This makes std::vector cache-unfriendly and memory manager unfriendly.


  • Default ctor.
  • Copy ctor & Move Ctor.
    • (size_t count, const T& elem = T{})
      • e.g. std::vector<int> vec(3, 2);
    • (InputIt first, InputIt last)
      • copy elements from [first, last) into the vector.
    • (std::initializer_list)
      • e.g. std::vector<int> vec { 2, 2, 2 };
    • All ctors have an optional allocator parameter.
Element access#
  • Same as std::array
Capacity operations#
  • .capacity()
  • .reserve(n): expand the memory to make the capacity = n if it’s greater than the current capacity.
    • This is dramatically important in some parallel programs because of iterator invalidation.
  • .shrink_to_fit: request to shrink the capacity so that capacity == size.
Size operations#
  • .size()
  • .empty(): get a bool denoting whether size == 0.
  • .resize(n, obj=Object{}): make the size = n.
    • If the original size is n, nothing happens.
    • If greater than n, elements in [n, end) will be removed.
    • If less than n, new elements will be inserted, and their values are all obj.
  • .clear(): remove all things.
    • Size will be 0 after this., but the capacity is usually not changed!
Element operations#
  • .pop_back()

  • .push_back(obj)

  • .emplace_back(params): insert an element constructed by params at the end.

    • It returns reference of inserted element.
  • .emplace(const_iterator pos, params): insert an element constructed by params into pos.

  • .insert(const_iterator pos, xxx): insert element(s) into pos, xxx is similar to params of ctor:

    • (pos, value)
    • (pos, size_t count, value): insert count copies of value.
    • (pos, InputIt first, InputIt last): insert contents from [first, last).
    • (pos, std::initializer_list)
  • .erase(const_iterator pos)/.erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)

    • insert/erase will return next valid iterator of inserted/erased elements, so you can continue to iterate by it = vec.erase(...).
    • They make iterators after the insertion/removal point invalid.
  • Interact with another vector

    • .assign(xxx): similar to ctor
    • .swap(vec): same as std::swap(vec1, vec2).
  • Ranges-related methods

    • .assign_range(Range): can copy any range to the vector.
    • .insert_range(const_iterator pos, Range)
    • .append_range(Range): insert range from the end.
  • If you just want to remove all elements that equals to XXX in a vector, it’s costly to use erase repeatedly (O(n2)O(n^2) obviously)

Specific: std::vector<bool>#

  • std::vector<bool>
    • It is regulated to be compacted as “dynamic array of bit”.
    • operator[] returns a proxy class of the bit. (For const method, it still returns bool.)
    • auto may be proxy which holds the reference of the bit, so this will change the vector!
    • Range-based for may use auto, so pay attention if you’re doing so!
      • Besides, since the returned proxy is a value type instead of reference, so the returned object is temporary!
      • Then, you cannot use auto& when iterating vector, though it’s right for other types.
      • To sum up, use auto rather than auto& if you want to change elements of vector, use const auto& or bool(or use std::as_count()) if you don’t want to change.
    • It supports operator~, filp() and std::hash
  • std::bitsit<size>
    • Not a container and not provide iterators.
    • It provides more methods, which makes it a more proper way to manipulate bits.
      • &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>
      • set(), set(pos, val = true), reset(), reset(pos), flip(), flip(pos)
      • all(), any(), none(), count()
      • It can also be input/output by >>/<<.
    • It can be converted to std::string/unsigned long long by .to_string(zero = ‘0’, one = ‘1’)/.to_ullong().
    • It can also be constructed by a std::string/unsigned long long, i.e. (str, start_pos = 0, len = std::string::npos, zero = ‘0’, one = ‘1’).
    • Other similarities to std::vector<bool>
      • You can access the bit by operator[], which returns a proxy class too (for const methods, bool too).
        • There is no .at(pos) in bitset, but a bool .test(pos), which will do bound check.
      • operator==, .size(), std::hash



  • Double-Ended Queue
  • Allows fast (O(1)O(1)) insertion and deletion at both its beginning and its end.
  • Expansion is cheaper than std::vector.
  • Insertion and deletion at either end of a deque never invalidates pointers or references to the rest of the elements.
  • Elements of are not stored contiguously.


  • Same as std::vector, but also provides the following methods.
    • .push_front()
    • .emplace_front()
    • .pop_front()
    • .prepend_range()


  • The typical implementation is using a dynamic circular queue (called map) whose elements are pointers.

    • Each pointer points to a block, with many objects stored there.
    • The block size is fixed, e.g. in libc++, that’s max(16 * sizeof(obj), 4096); in libstdc++, that’s 8 * sizeof(obj).
  • What deque needs to record/know is:

    • The map and its size.
    • The block size.
    • The global offset of the first element off.
    • Element numbers.
  • When resizing, we just need to copy all pointers, which is very cheap!

Invalidation notes#

  • For iterator:

    • All iterators are seen as invalid after insertion.
    • Erasing from the front and back will only invalidate the erased elements.
      • This includes .resize() when the size is reducing.
  • For reference/pointer:

    • .push_front(), .push_back(), .emplace_front(), .emplace_back(), .pop_front(), .pop_back() and .resize() do not invalidate any references to elements of the deque (except erased elements).


  • std::list<T>
    • Double linked list.
    • O(1) insertion and removal.
    • O(1) splice.
    • No random access.
  • Only the iterator of the erased node will be invalidated.
  • Unique APIs:
    • .remove(val)/.remove_if(func): remove all elements that is val or can make func return true.
    • .unique()/.unique(func): remove equal (judged by ==/func) adjacent elements.
    • .reverse(): reverse the whole list.
    • .sort()/.sort(cmp): stable sort
    • .merge(list2)/.merge(list2, cmp): same procedure of merge in merge sort, so usually used in sorted list. Two sorted list will be merged into a single sorted list.
    • .splice(pos, list2, ...):
      • (pos, list2): insert the total list2 to pos.
      • (pos, list2, it2): insert it2 to pos (and remove it from list2).
      • (pos, list2, first, last): insert [first, last) to pos (and remove them from list2).


  • std::forward_list<T>
    • Single linked list
    • The purpose of forward list is reducing space, so it doesn’t record an additional size and doesn’t provide .size()
      • If you really need it, you can use std::(ranges::)distance(l.begin(), l.end()), but remember it’s O(n)O(n).
    • There is no .back()/.pop_back()/.push_back()/.append_range() in forward list.
    • .insert_after()/.erase_after()/.emplace_after()/.insert_range_after() /.splice_after(): the position parameter accepts the iterator before the insertion position, so you can insert after it.
      • Particularly, iterators from another list in .splice_after() is also (first, last) instead of [first, last)!
      • But .insert_after() is still [first, last), since it doesn’t need to go back and may come from any container.
      • It’s impossible for you to provide the position instead of the one before, since it cannot go backward.
    • So, there is a .before_begin()/.cbefore_begin() iterator in forward list, so that you can insert at the head.

Sequential views#

  • View means that it doesn’t actually hold the data; it observes the data.



  • std::span<T>: a view for contiguous memory (e.g. vector, array, string, C-style array, initializer list, etc.).
  • Alternative to void func(int* ptr, int size), i.e. void func(std::span<int> s).
  • It is cheaper way to operate on e.g. a sub-vector, and its main use case is as a function parameter.
  • Span is just a pointer with a size! All copy-like operations are cheap.


std::vector<int>   w {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
std::array<int, 4> a {0, 1, 2, 3};
// auto-deduce type/length:
std::span sw1 { w };  // span<int>
std::span sa1 { a };  // span<int, 4>
// explicit read-only view:
std::span sw2 { std::as_const(w) };
// with explicit type parameter:
std::span<int>       sw3 { w }; 
std::span<int>       sa2 { a };
std::span<const int> sw4 { w };
// with explicit type parameter & length:
std::span<int, 4> sa3 { a };

std::span s1 { w.begin() + 2, 4 }; 
std::span s2 { w.begin() + 2, w.end() }; 
  • If you hope the span has read-only access, you need to use std::span<const T>.
    • This actually makes the pointer const T*, so it’s read-only.
    • However, for containers, you need to specify as const std::vector<T>.

Span with specified extent#

  • Span is in fact std::span<T, extent>, but the extent is std::dynamic_extent by default.
    • cppreference: A typical implementation holds a pointer to T, if the extent is dynamic, the implementation also holds a size.
    • Only C-style array and std::array can implicitly construct it.
    • You can get the extent by the static member extent.


  • Random access iterators.

  • operator[]/.at()/.front()/.back()/.data()/.size()/.empty()

  • .size_bytes(): get size in byte.

  • std::data()/std::empty()/std::size()/std::ssize()

  • std::begin()/std::end()/…

  • C++20: std::range::data()/std::range::begin()/…

  • Always remember that it’s as unsafe as a pointer.

  • Notice that spans will never (except .at()) check whether the accessed position is valid!

Making spans from spans#

  • .first(n)/.last(n): make a new subspan with the first n/the last n elements.

  • .subspan(offset, count = std::dynamic_extent): make a new subspan begin at offset with count (by default until the last one).

  • For fixed extent, you need .first<N>()/.last<N>(), .subspan<offs, N>() to create subspan with fixed extent (.subspan<offs>() will create fixed/dynamic one for fixed/dynamic span).

  • You can also use std::as_bytes and std::as_writable_bytes that convert a span to a span of bytes.


  • There are three components for mdspan.
    • Extent: std::extent<IndexType, sizes...>/std::dextent<IndexType, dimensionNum>
    • Layout: regulate how you view the memory.
    • Accessor
  • Primary use case: std::mdspan<T, std::dextent<IndexType, DimNum>>.

Container adaptors#

  • Container adaptors are a wrapper of existing containers; it transforms their interfaces to a new interface of another data structure.
  • They usually don’t provide iterators.


  • Stack is a LIFO data structure.
  • The default provided container is deque.
  • APIs:
    • .pop()
    • .push(val)/.emplace(params)
    • .push_range(Range)
    • .top(): the element at back.


  • Queue is a FIFO data structure.
  • If you want to use list, forward_list is obviously better; but it doesn’t provide .size() and .push_back(), so you may write a small wrapper yourself.
    • Notice that you can choose to not provide .size() if you don’t use it in queue; this is benefited from selective instantiation.
  • APIs are same as stack except .top(). Use .front() and .back().


  • It’s in fact max heap. (min heap needs the parameter std::greater<T>)
  • it can always provide the current maximum element in O(logn)O(log n) after inserting a new element or popping the last max one.
  • Constructing the heap needs only O(n)O(n), which is cheaper than sort.


  • std::flat_map<Key, Value, Compare = std::less<Key>, ContainerForKey = std::vector<Key>, ContainerForValue = std::vector<Value>>
  • It’s in fact an ordered “vector”!
  • It doesn’t have any redundant data, and is more cache-friendly obviously.
  • Complexity:
    • For lookup, O(logn)O(log n)
    • For insertion/removal, O(n)O(n)
    • For iterator++, O(1)O(1)
      • The iterator is also random-access iterator!

Tuple and structured binding#


  • e.g. std::tuple<int, float, double> t{1, 2.0f, 3.0};:

    • std::make_tuple
    • std::get<0>(tuple) or std::get<int>(tuple)
    • operator=, swap, operator<=>
    • std::tuple_size<YourTupleType>::value, std::tuple_element<index, YourTupleType>::type
    • std::tuple_cat: concatenate two tuples.
  • std::tie: creates a tuple of lvalue references to its arguments or instances of std::ignore.

  • Use case: for operator<=> that cannot be default while you still want some form of lexicographical comparison, you can utilize operator<=> of tuple!

class Person {
    enum class Gender { Male, Female } gender;
    std::string name;
    int age;

    std::weak_ordering operator<=>(const Person& another) const {
        return std::tie(age, name) <=> std::tie(another.age,;
  • std::pair a specific case of a std::tuple with two elements.
    • Additional APIs: first_type/second_type/first/second
  • std::pair and std::array is also somewhat tuple-like thing and can use some tuple methods, e.g. std::get.

Structured binding#

  • auto& [...] {xxx}
    • xxx: a tuple-like thing.
    • Structured binding is declaration, so you cannot bind on existing variables.
      • Instead, for tuple and pair, you can use std::tie(name, score) = pair to assign.
    • You can use _ as variable name to denote “it is dropped and never used except for constructing it”.
      • e.g. auto& [_, score] : score_table

Associative containers#

  • They associate key with value. The value can be omitted.
  • The Key is unique; a single key cannot be mapped to multiple values.
  • Ordered one needs a compare function for “less than”.
    • It’s BBST (balanced binary search tree), and search, insertion, removal are all O(logn)O(log n).
  • Unordered one needs a hash function and a compare function for “equal”.
    • It’s (open) hash table, and search, insertion, removal are all expected O(1)O(1) while the worst is O(n)O(n), if all keys are hashed as the same key.
  • They’re all node-based containers.

Ordered containers#


  • std::map<Key, Value, CMPForKey = std::less<Key>>

    • CMPForKey should be able to accept const Key.
  • operator[]/.at(): accessing by index.

    • operator[] will insert a default-constructed value if the key doesn’t exist. You cannot use it in const std::map.
    • .at() will check whether the index exists; if not, std::out_of_range will be thrown.
  • Bidirectional iterators.

    • Notice that the worst complexity of ++/-- is 𝑂(log 𝑁) since you may go from the rightmost child of the left subtree to the right subtree.
    • However, iterating from begin to end is O(n)O(n), so ++/-- is still O(1)O(1) on average.
  • Key-value pair is stored in RB tree, so iterator also points to the std::pair.

  • You can use structured binding to facilitate iteration.

  • Notice that key of map is const to maintain order; you need to erase the original and insert a new one if you want to change key.

std::map<std::string, int> score_table {
    { "Li", 99 },
    { "God Liu", 100 },
    { "Saint Liu", 99 },
    { "Liang", 60 },

for (auto& [name, score] : score_table) {
    std::println("name: {}, score: {}", name, score);
  • .size()/.empty()/.clear()

  • .find(key): get the iterator of key-value pair; if key doesn’t exist, return end().

  • .contains(key): alternative to if(auto it = map.find(key); it != map.end()) {}

  • .count(key): get the number of key-value pair referred by key.

  • .lower_bound(key)/.upper_bound(key)/.equal_range(key)

  • operator=/operator<=>/swap/std::erase_if

  • Insertion: may fail if the key exists. Retuens std::pair<iterator, bool>.

    • .insert({key, value})
    • .insert_or_assign(key, value): overwrite.
    • .emplace(params): the params are used to construct pair.
    • .try_emplace(key, params): the params are used to construct value.
    • You can also provide a hint iterator for insertion.
  • .erase(key)/.erase(iterator pos)/.erase(iterator first, iterator last)

  • .extract(key)/.extract(iterator pos)

    • Return std::map<Key, Value, ...>::node_type.
    • Use ret.empty() or operator bool to determine whether the key exists.
  • .insert(node_type&&)

    • You need to pass std::move(node) or directly xx.extract(yy) to this param.
    • Return insert_return_type, a struct with { iter position, bool inserted, node_type }.
  • .merge(another_map/multimap):

    • Existing keys will not be moved.
  • .insert_range(...)


  • It is just a map without value.
  • The only difference with map is that it doesn’t have operator[] and .at(); the iterator points to only key instead of key-value pair.


  • Multimap cancels the uniqueness of key. So, you cannot use operator[] and .at() too.
  • These equivalent values are in the same order of inserting sequence.
  • Nodes of multimap and map can be exchanged.
  • The operator<=> check equality one by one, so even when two multimap stores same things with only different orders in equal keys, == is false.
    • Particularly, for ==/!= in std::unordered_multimap, it’s only required that they have same values on each key.

Unordered containers#


  • std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash = std::hash<Key>, Equal = std::equal_to<Key>>
  • Many types have std::hash, e.g. std::string, float, etc., so you can use them as key directly.
  • Customize hash:
struct Person {
    int id;
    std::string name;

struct std::hash<Person> {
    std::size_t operator()(const Person& p) const {
        return std::hash<int>{}( ^ std::hash<std::string>{}(;
  • Load factor: "size"/"bucketnum""size"/"bucket num": as more and more elements are inserted, there will be too many elements in each bucket, which increases the complexity of finding by key.

  • Rehash: when load factor is high, we need to enlarge the size of bucket array to make elements scattered again.

  • C++ regulates that rehash will invalidate all iterators.

  • .bucket_count()

  • .load_factor(): size() / bucket_count()

  • .max_load_factor(): when load factor exceeds this limit, rehash will happen. You can set it by .max_load_factor(n).

  • .rehash(n): make bucket_count()=max(n,ceil(size()/max_load_factor())) and rehash.

    • rehash(0) may be used to adjust max_load_factor() to immediately rehash to meet minimum requirement.
  • .reserve(n): reserve the bucket to accommodate at least n elements.

  • Get a bucket directly:

    • .bucket(key): get the bucket index of the key.
    • .begin/cbegin/end/cend(index): get the iterator of the bucket at index.
    • .bucket_size(index): get the size of bucket at index.


  • The relation of unordered ones are same as ordered ones.
Modern C++ Basics - Containers
Author dokee
Published at March 3, 2025
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